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General Guidelines

  • IMPORTANT REMINDER:  ALL cardboard must be placed INSIDE of the recycling cart or it will not be taken by the trash hauler.  

  • Trash fees are non-refundable for any reason, including missed pick-ups, vacations, or vacant properties.

  • Trash collection is on Friday, except in the case of some holidays, when the schedule moves to Saturday.  (Those holidays are New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.)

  • Trash and recycling carts are provided by and are the property of the trash hauler. Should either cart show signs of disrepair, please contact the Borough office for replacement.

  • Trash should be placed out for collection the evening before the scheduled pick-up day as the trash   haulers begin their routes early on the day of collection.

  •  Empty containers should be removed from the curb the same day that collection is made.

  • The trash cart holds the amount of trash that can be put out each week. Bags that do not fit into the toter with the lid closed are over the limit and will require extra service tags. (See cost of tags below.)

  • No construction debris (bricks, concrete, ceiling tiles, large pieces of wood, drywall, etc.) will be collected.



Tags are required for extra refuse and specialty items:

  • Extra refuse: $1.25
  • Oversized: $15.00 (No more than 2 items/week)
  • Tires: $3.00 (Tires on rims require 2 tags) – (Picked up two times a year – April and October)
  • Appliances: $15.00 – (Picked up two times a year – April and October)


​Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LSCWMA) is asking the public’s help in preventing fires due to the improper disposal of rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries found in many common
household items can spark and explode when damaged. Fires in garbage trucks and processing facilities are on the rise.

Click on this link for information on how to help protect our employees, haulers, property, and community:

Sticks and Stones


  • Yard waste is collected from April 4th through September 26th and is collected on Friday. 

  • Yard waste is organic waste that can include garden residues, leaves, shrubbery, grass clippings and tree trimmings.

  • Yard waste must be in yard waste kraft bags and placed curbside, separate from trash and recyclables, during the yard waste collection period.

  • Brush, limbs, tree trunks (6” in. diameter or less) should be tied with biodegradable twine in easily handled bundles not to exceed 3 feet in length and 30 pounds in weight.

  • GREEN tags are no longer required on yard waste bags.

  •  Kraft bags are required but are no longer supplied by the Borough.  They can be purchased at home improvement stores, box stores, and online.

  •  SMALL amounts of yard waste can be placed curbside in regular trash bags and placed inside the trash cart prior to April 4 and after September 26, 2025.

  • Christmas Tree pick-up  - Date to be determined.

Trash on Beach


  • Recyclable materials consist of metal food and beverage cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles and jugs with necks, and corrugated cardboard. (The BIG 4)

  • Break down cardboard boxes as flat as possible and place INSIDE of the recycling cart.  Cardboard left outside of the recycling cart WILL NOT be taken.

  • Corrugated cardboard boxes can also be broken down and deposited in the cardboard recycling dumpster located on Spruce Street at the Veterans Memorial Park.

  • Remove caps and food residue from plastic bottles, jugs, and jars.

  • Batteries can be placed along side recycling bins in bags that can be obtained at the Borough Office.  DO NOT dispose of rechargeable batteries in with regular trash. Fires in garbage trucks and processing facilities are on the rise. Help protect our employees, haulers, property, and community. Click here for additional information on battery disposal.  

  • Please consider NOT placing recycling bins out on windy days. If you do place your bin out, make arrangements with a neighbor to bring it in, so it does not blow away. (This will help keep your trash costs down.) Write your address on your bin so it can be returned to you. Be a good neighbor and return any wayward bins to their owners! Many thanks!

 Holiday Trash Delays

  • Memorial Day - Trash Delay
    Mon, May 26
    Mountville Borough
  • Independence Day - Trash Delay
    Fri, Jul 04
    Mountville Borough
  • Labor Day - Trash Delay
    Mon, Sep 01
    Mountville Borough
  • Thanksgiving Day - Trash Delay
    Thu, Nov 27
    Mountville Borough


  • Six (6) Fall leaf pick-ups are scheduled from October through December each year.

  • 2025 Leaf collection dates: October 3, 17, 31, November 14, 29 and December 12.
  • Leaves must be in the brown biodegradable Kraft bags. There are no fees or tags needed for the brown bags used for leaves. Leaves raked loose to the curb WILL NOT be picked up!


Mountville Borough residents are now able to utilize West Hempfield Township’s Woody Waste facility on Norwood Road. 

Click below for the link to access the agreement and application for the access card:


Autumn Leaves


Garbage Truck


Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority has released an updated residents' guide to recycling and waste disposal in Lancaster County. Packed with information and guidance regarding the proper disposal of recycling, trash, household hazardous waste, electronic waste and more, the guide answers all your most pressing questions regarding waste disposal.

Garbage Truck


The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LCSWMA) is requiring that all commercial and residential customers transporting waste to any of its facilities use a tarp to secure open loads or face a $20 penalty.  Second offenders will be turned away. For additional information about this policy, use the link below:

Hours of Operation:
Mon - Fri             8AM-4PM
Saturday             CLOSED
Sunday               CLOSED

21 East Main Street
P.O. BOX 447
Mountville, PA 17554

Office: 717-285-5547
Fax: 717-285-2094


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