​ Trash and Recycling Disposal
Service day in the Borough is Friday and all trash and recycling should be placed out the night before service.
Recycling and trash carts are provided to each resident by the trash hauler. Smaller-sized trash and recycling carts are available to residents. (Call the Borough Office for the size options.) The trash cart holds the amount of trash you are permitted to put out each week for collection. So, take this into consideration if you decide to opt for a smaller trash cart. Anything that does fit inside the cart with the lid closed will be considered over the limit and will need a green tag (which can be purchased at the Borough Office.) A green tag will need to be affixed to any trash bag that does not fit into the cart. (Untagged bags will NOT be picked up by the trash hauler.) Do not pile bags beyond the top edge of the cart or on top of the closed lid as they could fall off when the cart is lifted.
Please note: All trash and recycling must be placed in the Republic Services provided trash and recycling carts for pickup.
Carts must be kept at least two feet (2') away from other carts, mailboxes, fire hydrants, low hanging trees or shrubs, parked cars, and utility poles so the trash truck can easily access the carts. The handles on the carts should face toward your residence when positioned at the curb. The diagram below shows the correct placement of the carts at the curb to allow for efficient emptying of them.

Using the trash account number on your trash billing card, residents can now pay their trash bills online using a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) or Electronic Check. You can access your account using the link below.
(Please Note: A nominal transaction convenience fee is charged by the payment processing company for both credit and electronic check payments.)
Payments for trash bills are due on the 15th of the following month for the preceding quarter (January, April, July, October.) This date applies for weekend and holiday days, so plan accordingly when making your payment. The following are due dates for the upcoming quarters:
Second quarter 2025 – Tuesday, April 15
Third quarter 2025 – Tuesday, July 15
Fourth quarter 2025 – Wednesday, October 15
First quarter 2026 - Thursday, January 15
Second quarter 2026 - Wednesday, April 15
Payments are due to the office by 4:00 PM on the due date.
Please take into account the possibility of delays with bills submitted via the US Postal system.
Payments can be dropped off after hours at the Borough office using the drop box located at the back door.